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ISB&M Events

Finance Conclave'23

Finance Pinnacle 2023 Navigating the Finance galaxy
Present by TOFI-The Finance Club.
Finance Conclave'23 on 09th December, 2023 At ISB&M Pune Nande campus*, a zenith of financial expertise, is swiftly drawing near! Prepare for a day immersed in priceless financial insights, offering a platform to delve into the intricacies of finance. Brace yourself to augment your financial savvy, connect with industry leaders, and flourish in the dynamic realm of finance. Anticipate an upcoming event that will strategically advance your career. The importance of fostering strategic alliances, nurturing financial intelligence, and embracing growth resonates throughout the corporate finance sphere. This summit transcends being a mere event, it stands as a testament to the harmonious collaboration and shared financial knowledge propelling careers to unparalleled heights.