(entry fees: - 699/-)

A fabric doesn't hold much significance till it is worn and displayed onto you as a reflection of your own personality! Fashion Show is the event that provides you with the platform to portray your glamour and innovation in fashion. Let us wow you with unimaginable ways to manifest who you are, as the whole world is your runway. Let us put on a show for you on the ramp of Crescendo’25 !


  • This is a team event.
  • The number of contestants allowed in a team is 10 to 14 members with 3 to 4 volunteers.
  • There can be more than one team performing in the event from the same college.
  • Theme selection is open to the teams.
  • The event consists of only one round.
  • Use of cigarettes, fire, candles, and alcohol is strictly prohibited.
  • All costumes are permitted, which maintain decency including original costumes & fashion designs.
  • Vulgarity is strictly prohibited. Any form of obscenity will lead to debarring the team from the contest.
  • Decisions made by the judge(s) shall be final and binding.
  • The college will provide green rooms as per the availability of the institute. The participants are requested to be ready with their materials beforehand.
  • Time limit for the performance would be 8-10 minutes.
  • Teams should not exceed the given time limit, or they will be marked negatively.
  • Participants are supposed to send their music/songs required for your performance on the following email ID with the given format: "NAME_EVENT NAME" on
  • The participants have to mail their tracks latest by 28th January, 2024 in order to qualify.
  • No props will be provided by the institute.
  • If any proper requirement, it will be chargeable and should be informed 1 week prior to the event date
  • Teams are advised to carry their tracks in pen-drives Teams have to report 2 hour before the event and has to get their track checked with the IT Team.


  • Costumes
  • Theme
  • Attitude
  • Creativity
  • Walk and poses
  • Use of Prop


The winner and 1st runner-up will be awarded with cash/kind prizes

Copyright © 2025 Crescendo