Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) and Masters in Business Administration (MBA) are equivalent programs which develop students to acquire managerial and employability skills to enter into the corporate world. These programs also help them to develop entrepreneurial mindset and competencies. Let’s discuss here how PGDM program has an edge over the MBA program. There are numerous benefits that PGDM program offers as compare to MBA program, such as better employment opportunities for prosperous career, progressive growth prospects and affluent lifestyle. We are focusing on just a few of the advantages of PGDM program.
Program Structure
Unlike MBA program, the curriculum and teaching methodology of PGDM program is decided by the institute from which you are graduating. It is not defined by the affiliation bodies. Thus, the program has the liberty to keep the curriculum practical in approach and at ISB&M. The Board of Studies ensures that the syllabi, teaching methodology and assessments are designed in the manner that it focuses on developing the skills of the students. It is deliberately executed for making students understand the application of each aspect of the learnings, rather than just preparing them with theories to write exams. It is less theoretical and more industry oriented with keeping in mind that the students need to learn specific concepts and tools to be better professionals. On top of it, PGDM program at ISB&M also incorporates ample of corporate interactions in terms of alumni interaction, corporate leaders from varied industries contributing to the designing of the curriculum, conducting sessions and doing projects with the students. The focus is on how the students get maximum industry exposure and understand the real time problems and become solution oriented. This approach helps students to pay attention to being result-oriented, quick in action, proactive and prove to be an asset to the company they eventually work with.
Technology and Industry Orientation
At ISB&M, PGDM program as mentioned above isn’t rigid on sticking to a certain learning approach for years without updating. Therefore, the new age trends, business models and technological advancements are understood from the industry experts. These industry experts are business and recruitment decision-makers. The changing need of industry and technology related skills are understood from these experts and are incorporated in the teaching-learnings system on an ongoing basis. PGDM program at ISB&M includes live projects, frequent industry internships, international exposure, students driven initiatives and technology- oriented certification courses which prepares them to deal with the dynamics of technology driven practices in MNCs and High-performing Companies.
Business Competencies and Mindset Development
At ISB&M, we benchmark the reputed foreign and Indian universities and adapt certain world-class practices such as GSS (Guided Self-Studies). This makes PGDM program, a more pragmatic and holistic program. Furthermore, it works absolutely amazing in developing the right mindset of the students who can handle the challenges of the VUCA* world in an efficient manner. This is possible because of the treatment given by ISB&M to students from day one. The students are treated as adults and entrusted with a lot of leadership initiatives. They play important roles as decision makers in most of the activities which are truly student-driven. This helps them develop the appropriate mindset for peer- learning, problem solving, being individualist-yet-A-team-player and to manage high expectations and pressure. The default design and approach to PGDM program at ISB&M develops the natural abilities of the students to assess their strengths and enhance those for a righteous career choice. At ISB&M, the PGDM students develop a set of competencies at a very early stage of their student-hood. The students get a choice to learn subjects of their choice not only from their specialization stream but also from their area of interest. Thus, their learning and understanding of business is not limited to the area of specialization but also, they understand the role-dependency and develop business acumen. This helps them to grow faster in their career and acquire leadership positions throughout the world as high- profile corporate leaders.
Written by: Dr. Shraddha Kulkarni Professor at International School of Business & Media ISB&M, Nande