(entry fees: - 199/-)

BIZVIZ, is a pitching event where ISB&M provides a platform to the teams selected for the Grand Finale to pitch their product/service or idea to a panel of seasoned investors!


  • Team size – 3-5 members
  • The event consists of 2 rounds
  • The business idea has to be original of the team. In case of plagiarism, the team would be disqualified
  • The participants have to bring their own devices and support systems required for presenting
  • The participants have to present in formal attire for the event
  • The members have to report 2 hours prior to the event and check PPTs
  • There is no limit on the number of teams that can participate from a single institute, however, no student can be a part of more than one team
  • One team cannot have members from different institutes
  • The decision made by the judges would be final and binding to all the participants
  • The number of rounds will be subject to number of participations
  • Participants are supposed to send their PPT presentations files and documents for presenting the product required for the competition on the following email ID with the given format: "NAME_EVENT NAME" on
  • The participants have to mail their tracks latest by 14th March,2023 in order to qualify


  • The participants have to prepare a 5-minute elevator pitch presentation for why an investor should invest in their company followed by a 2-minute Q&A session by the judges.
  • The pitch can talk about the idea, vision, team, market potential and why it is best suited to solve this problem
  • The pitch has to be delivered in verbal format
  • Marks would be deducted in exceeding the time limit
  • Use of unethical behaviour and foul language may lead to disqualification
  • The participants will not be allowed to use any support systems and have to explain only by verbal medium
  • There is no restriction on the number of people speaking from the team
  • The participants also have to present a business plan for a startup pitched in the previous round
  • Business plan should contain expected market size, product roadmap, monetisation plan, metrics to track performance, short-term & long-term goals and resources required and revenue (if any).
  • Format: Powepoint Presentation upto 8 slides
  • Time limit provided would be 5-6 minutes


  • Originality
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Applicability of the idea
  • Overall Presentation


The winner and runner-up will awarded with cash/kind awards The management reserves the right to call actual investors as judges who will be investing in ideas on spot

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