(entry fees: - 99/-)

"Music expresses what cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent." Unveil the best mix of music and lyrics in you and fight this war to prove yourself the best. If you got the rhythm and rhyme on your side then get ready to win this ultimate battle and be crowned the champion!


  • The Rap Battle will consist of two rounds:
  • Round 1: On Beat: Each participant will perform a two-minute freestyle rap original or cover. The goal is to showcase their lyrical prowess and flow.
  • Round 2: Diss Track: Participants will unleash their inner dissident and deliver diss track targeting their opponent. The goal is to cleverly insult, expose, and humiliate their opponent while maintaining a sense of humour and entertainment.
  • Rules

    • Rappers must perform an original or a cover from another artist.
    • Each rapper will get 2 Minutes to deliver the rap, points shall be deducted as soon as the time exceeds.
    • No instruments will be allowed Backing music/audio is allowed and has to be mailed prior.
    • The event is bilingual, you can either use English or Hindi as a medium.
    • Profanities will lead to direct disqualification.
    • Decisions made by the judge(s) shall be final and binding.
    • Participants must be present 1 hour before the event.
    • The Rappers are not allowed to use any profanities or any abusive words/ suggestive lyrics (failure to abide will lead to disqualification).
    • Participants are supposed to send their music/songs required for your rap performance on the following email ID with the given format: "NAME_EVENT NAME" on crescendo.media@isbm.ac.in
    • The participants have to mail their tracks latest by 30th January,2024 in order to qualify.


    • Lyrics/choice of song
    • Crowd Engagement
    • Stage presence and music theory
    • Synergy between the beat, the lyrics and the performance
    • Lyrics during Diss Track Round


    The winner and 1st runner-up will be awarded with cash/kind awards

Copyright © 2025 Crescendo