(entry fees: - 399/-)

Dance is an articulation of one's emotion at their peak, and when these emotions are shared and cherished with a companion, the expression takes on a divine twist. So, to double the trouble, and express your synergistic moves, spins and whirls, Crescendo offers a platform for the pairs to ornate the vibrant zesty divas with their dashing moves.


1. Drone size should not be more than 400 mm and weight should not be more than 400 gms .

2.Propeller number – maximum 6.

3.Drone should not be purchased type. It should be made by student itself.

4.Laps are already decided so every participant will get only two chances to fly. once your drone get false landed on earth no issues will be entertained (like technical problem, air flow etc etc)

5.Drone should be operated manually not in automatic mode.

6.Drone should be in RC type. Not satellite operated one.

7.Final decision will be of organisation team. You won’t get entertained after you failed to follow the rules and precautions .

8.Maximum Capacity of Brushless motor – 1400 Kv.

9.There will be two rounds of competition.
Round A - Completing all the laps in given time.
If you completed round A then you will be allowed in Round B.

Round B - Completion of task that are already set at amphitheatre.

Marking Scheme – Round A – 5 Laps and Round B – 5 tasks.

You will get 10 Points on the completion of 1 lap / task.

Maximum scoring participant will win the competition.

Copyright © 2025 Crescendo