A montage of stunning video ads, showcasing a diverse range of creative styles and storytelling techniques. Unleash your inner videography virtuoso and capture the Crescendo stage with your mesmerizing Ads.
This will be an online and team event. A team should have minimum -2 and maximum – 6 members
There will be one round in total.
Round :- the team will be given a service or product two days before the event. They need to prepare a 1 min 30 secs ad for that. It should be an original content recorded. Props need to be arranged by the team on their own. You can have a jingle for the ad.
The video resolutions must not exceed 1920x1080 pixels (1080p).
The file format to be sent is .mp4
Negative points will be there if time limit exceeds.
Participants are supposed to send entries on the following email ID with the given format: "NAME_EVENT NAME" on crescendo.media@isbm.ac.in
The decision of judges will be the final decision and will be binding to all.
Acting skills.
Aesthetic appeal.
Creativity and innovative approach.
Smoothness of transitions.
The winner and runner-up will be awarded with cash/kind awards.